Saturday, May 3, 2008

True Fitness Facts

Muscles do not turn to fat when you stop exercising.Muscle and fat are different type of tissue and one cannot turn into the other.But muscles consumes more calories even when you are not exercising,so if you allowed your muscle mass to drop but ate the same amount you had to store the excess calories as fat.

Weight training would not build unsightly bulk on women. Women do not have testosterone to develop Popeye sized bulges.Only serious body builders can get serious bulk.

less would not make me loose weight.If you eat more than you burn off you will get fat,but increasing your activity level is actually a better way to balance the equation than eating less.

On a very low calorie diet your body goes into survival mode, slowing your metabolism and burning lean muscle.

You cannot sweat weight off in sauna.Any weight you lose is just water through sweating and this must be replaced quickly.

I am neve
r too busy to exercise.If you cannot make time for the gym, try using stairs instead of lift.At home gardening or playing foot ball with the children will burn more calories than a brisk walk for the same duration.If it is leaving your warmer and breathing more heavily, it is working.

Lots of sit ups will give me lots of abdominal muscles.Not necessarily.You would not get muscle definition unless you reduce over all body fat.

Men cannot get cellulite.True, but neither can women,because there is no such thing.Cellulite is just an ordinary body fat plus gravity says professor of human nutrition in London.

It is more obvious in women because they carry extra fat in areas where the skin sagging.

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